Monday, July 14, 2008


for those who want to follow our every move:
Sat, 7/19: Leave Nashville 7:42am, Arrive Washington DC 10:28am
Leave Washington DC 6:30pm (please note our 8 hour layover - yikes!)
Sun, 7/20: Arrive Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 7pm (via Rome, Italy -- just for a fuel stop = 17 hour flight!!!)
Mon, 7/21: Leave Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 11:30am, Arrive Kampala, Uganda 1:30pm
(we then take a small plane up to Gulu)

:: spend the week in Gulu, Uganda ::

Sun, 7/27: Leave Kampala, Uganda 8:10pm, Arrive Nairobi, Kenya 9:25pm
Tues, 7/29: Leave Nairobi, Kenya 6:15pm, Arrive Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 8:15pm
Thurs, 7/31: Leave Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 10:15pm (via Rome, Italy)
Fri, 8/1: Arrive Washington DC 7:55am
Leave Washington DC 4:47pm, Arrive Nashville 5:42pm

1 comment:

- said...

We're all very excited for you. Keep us posted as you can. God speed and safe travels!
